Technical Data
Reaction to Fire
| B-s2, d0
| Thermal Conductivity λD
| 0,039 W/(m•K)
| Density open blowing
| 19 - 25 kg/m³
| Density in cavity
| 25 - 45 kg/m³
| Settlement open blowing
ρ = 19 kg/m³
| 8 % real life
1 % according to EN 15101-1 Annex B3
| Settlement in cavity
ρ >= 25 kg/m³
| 0 % according to EN 15101-1 Annex B2
LUCFLOC is made from pure
wood using a highly sophisticated
cutting process. Combining the
wooden structure with the pure, raw
cellulose cumulates in outstanding
technical characteristics underlined by patent.